“Coding is today's language of creativity. All our children deserve a chance to become creators instead of consumers of computer science.”
Maria Klawe
"Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one"
Bill Gates
Subject Intent:
Our curriculum is designed to provide a high-quality computing education that incorporates all three pillars of computing – Computer science, Information technology and Digital literacy. An inclusive spiral journey which builds upon prior learning that will develop both declarative and procedural knowledge. This will create pupils at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
We built the curriculum with the intent that students will:
experience a curriculum rich in Computer Science knowledge, where pupils learn important programming knowledge to enable them to become confident programmers.
develop their computational thinking and problem-solving skills allowing them to apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science.
have the opportunity to use Information Technology to create digital artefacts through new and repeated contexts to build a breadth and depth of knowledge.
develop their cultural, moral, and social development allowing them to understand the impacts of digital technology to the individual and for the wider society. Leading to a better understanding of how changes in technology affect safety in an ever changing digital world and confidence in their own Digital Literacy.
be prepared for life beyond the school by building responsible, competent, confident and creative users of digital technology who can evaluate and apply their understanding to new or unfamiliar technologies in an increasingly unpredictable and technological world.
Subject Implementation:
The curriculum builds through a spiral curriculum from year 7 to 11 focusing on the cumulative development of key declarative and procedural knowledge enabling pupils to be successful in learning complex ideas or processes. The curriculum is delivered through Computing lessons at KS3, with an option to choose GSCE Computer Science or Btec Digital Information Technology at KS4.
Schemes of learning are developed and shared within the department. The schemes of learning follow a consistent format which includes: lesson content, knowledge, skills, success criteria, reading, keywords, careers, Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural and British School Values. For each scheme of learning there are a set of lesson folders for each lesson, containing a PowerPoint and associated resources. These are used as a starting point by teachers to differentiate to meet the needs of their students.
Teaching staff will consider pupils’ expertise and prior knowledge when selecting teaching approaches. A range of pedagogy such as modelling and scaffolding along with more computing specific pedagogy such as “Unplugged” or “PRIMM” will be used to help deliver curriculum content.
A hybrid learning approach is used to promote and develop independent learning through the medium of Microsoft TEAMS, Class Notebook and tradition exercise books. TEAMS is to be used within lessons and at home to deliver curriculum content and is further supported by knowledge organisers, Lesson PowerPoints and any additional resources needed. Teachers will engage with students through feedback which will enable them to continue to develop and make progress.
Pupil assessment and tracking focuses on the knowledge and skills identified in the curriculum. Various formative assessments strategies are used within the classroom to identify misconceptions and inform planning. Summative assessments are done to assess acquired knowledge or skills and are completed through written tests, online software and project challenges. Assessment outcomes are compared to targets to monitor progress. Specific groups such as SEN, DP, MA are closely monitored and intervention, where necessary, is planned in order to reduce gaps.
Subject Enrichment:
In the computing department we believe learning can be delivered through a creative blend of practical and theoretical lessons. Students are given the opportunity to develop practical programming skills, and also develop vital understanding across a range of relevant computer science topics. In this way we value learning that occurs both within the classroom and beyond it.
Enrichment includes:
Cyber Explorers club - An initiative led by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, showcases how the skills being taught in class are linked to real world situations, through an immersive, gamified learning experience. A virtual world where Cyber Explorers uncover how digital, computing and cyber security skills are integral to successful career paths.
Code Club - Aim to raise interest and excitement in computer science, by developing programming skills through challenges, game design and physical computing.
Celebrating Difference Day - students design and make their own controller using Makey Makeys’s and use them to control a computer game.
Subject Impact:
The five year curriculum model ensures that sequences of learning builds on previous knowledge and skills along with laying the foundation for subsequent progression.
Develop socially aware, digital literate citizens equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to actively engage within a global community.
Develop pupils with an ability to critically think about the modern world and give them the attributes needed to safely interact within the digital world around them.
Provide pupils with a range of vocabulary, core knowledge and skills that creates the building blocks of deeper explanation and understanding; providing entry points to further study, training or employment.
Knowledge and Skills
Year 7:
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
How to use technology safely and responsibly, including taking measures to protect their own data when using digital systems and their responsibilities as a digital user
Block based programming language Scratch. How to design and create simple programs using the three core programming constructs of sequence, selection and iteration
Spreadsheets, the concept of cell referencing and how to collect, analyse, and manipulate data, before turning it into graphs and charts
The importance of computer networks and how computers are connected together
The internet and WWW
Pupils will develop their skills in
Using the schools digital systems to access and organise their work
Computational thinking
Using computing specific vocabulary
Writing programs to do specific things using the basic programming constructs of sequence, selection and iteration within a block based programming language
Collecting and modelling data using graphs and charts
Year 8:
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
The different layers of computing systems: from programs and the operating system, to the physical components that store and execute these programs, to the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of.
The four main elements of computational thinking, decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition and algorithmic design.
Text-based programming with Python: simple programs involving input and output, and gradually moves on through arithmetic operations, randomness, selection, and iteration.
How to plan an effective project: including project requirements, audience needs, accessibility, design principles and planning techniques
The technologies that make up the internet and World Wide Web. Starting with an exploration of the building blocks of the World Wide Web, HTML, and CSS, learners will investigate how websites are catalogued and organised for effective retrieval using search engines.
Pupils will develop their skills in
Data representation conversions
Computational thinking
Using computing specific vocabulary
Writing programs to do specific things using the basic programming constructs of sequence, selection and iteration within a text based programming language
Project planning techniques in order to design an effective project plan
Creating a functioning website
Year 9
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
Logic gates: AND, NOT, and OR including their symbols and truth tables, leading to combining logic gates into logic circuits
Text-based programming with Python: further develop Y8 work and include string handling techniques and data structures.
How to use data to investigate problems and inform changes around them. Pupils will be exposed to both global and local data sets and gain an understanding of how visualising data can help with the process of identifying patterns and trends.
Searching and sorting algorithms: How to perform searching (linear, binary) and sorting (Bubble, insertion and merge) algorithms on given data. Compare the features of these algorithms and decide which is most suitable in a given context
Networks in the real world, the advantages and disadvantages of a computer networks, different network models and the main factors that affect network performance
The wider implications of digital systems: Pupils will learn how to identify the specific type of impact, i.e. legal, cultural, privacy, environmental, and ethical. They will then progress to identifying stakeholders who are impacted by technology, and learn how these impacts are experienced, negated, or adapted to.
Pupils will develop their skills in
Designing logical circuits to solve a problem
Writing programs to do specific things using the basic programming constructs of sequence, selection and iteration along with string handling and data structures within a text based programming language
Using appropriate software tools to visualise data sets and look for patterns or trends
Using data sets to investigate predictions and evaluate findings to support arguments for or against a prediction
Analysing, interpreting, modifying and implementing a range of algorithms
Identifying and discussing the wider implications of a digital systems.
GCSE: Computer Science
Year 10
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
Designing, creating and refining algorithms
Programming techniques including file handling and modular programming and data types and structures
Data representation: including numbers, characters, images, sound and compression
Boolean logic
Defensive design and testing
Computer networks, connections and protocols
Year 11
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
Architecture of the CPU and CPU performance
Embedded systems
Programming languages: including high and low level languages
Memory and storage
System software
Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
Pupils will develop their skills in:
The use of basic file handling operations including Open, Read, Write and Close
How to use sub programs (functions and procedures) to produce structured code
Drawing simple logic diagrams using the operators AND, OR and NOT
Applying logical operators in truth tables to solve problems
The use of SQL to search for data
Identifying syntax and logic errors
Selecting and using suitable test data including Normal, Boundary, Invalid, Erroneous
Using computer science specific vocabulary
Using a range of tools within at least one IDE
Designing, Writing, Testing and Refining code through programming tasks
Btec: Digital Information technology (DIT)
Year 10
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
Understanding interface design for individuals and organisations
Project planning techniques to plan, design and develop a user interface
How to review the success of a user interface and the use of chosen project planning techniques
Understanding how data is collected by organisations and its impact on individuals
How to create a dashboard using data manipulation tools
How to draw conclusions and review data presentation methods
Year 11
Pupils will develop their knowledge of:
Modern technologies
The Impact of modern technologies
Threats to data
Prevention and management of threats to data
How to write a security policy
Responsible use of digital systems
The scope and purpose of legislation that governs the use of digital systems and data
How organisations use different forms of notation to explain systems, data and information
Pupils will develop their skills in:
Sector-specific skills through realistic vocational contexts
Project planning, designing and creating user interfaces
Dashboard creation as a way to present and interpret data
The iterative design process
Contact Head of Department:
Mr Lownds -