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Church Windows

“Do not wait for someone else to come and speak for you. It’s you who can change the world.”


Malala Yousafzai



Subject Intent:


At Smithills School the RE curriculum inspires and challenges pupils to engage with life’s big questions, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to face life’s challenges about belief, moral and ethical questions.  Pupils are challenged to face the opinions of others regarding relevant contemporary moral issues as they unfold as the curriculum remains topical and relevant to our ever changing world. The teaching of RE makes links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world-views are studied. The teaching of RE is vital for children to understand and develop their own values and the make connections with those of others. The curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to  ask questions about the world around them, challenge perspectives, question actions and intolerance. We offer an   inclusive  curriculum that is relevant to, children and young people, whose worldviews may range across the secular and/or religious.  RE helps to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether it be social, cultural and religious, and prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.


We built the curriculum with the intent that students will be:


  • experience a broad, deep and knowledge rich curriculum that students build on prior learning from Key Stage 2 to broaden their understanding and appreciation of different world views. They are challenged to learn through the use of ‘BIG Questions’ and are required to think hard in lessons using ‘higher order’ skills such as analysis and evaluation.

  • be literate and numerate through developing their verbal and written literacy skills. Through debates and discussions pupils develop their ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and breadth of understanding of the subject.

  • have high expectations for their behaviour and achievement by showing respect and understanding of different viewpoints which may differ to their own. 

  • develop their cultural, moral, social, mental and physical development by promoting a wide variety of learning opportunities, with an emphasis on ‘real life’ learning  that ensures all pupils have the opportunity to become actively involved in the life of the school and its community.

  • be prepared for life beyond the school by helping pupils think critically, listen empathetically, speak thoughtfully, and write clearly.  These are all skills that will be of great use no matter what pupils go on to do in life. In an increasingly diverse society and global world it will aid pupils to formulate their own opinion with respect and become resilient individuals that support changes to come. 


Subject Implementation:


  • KS3 is taught through PD curriculum time which is an hour over the fortnight. At KS4 from September 2023 pupils at KS4 will have an hour a fortnight PD to cover statutory RE, RSHE and Citizenship.

  • KS3 Curriculum begins with philosophy and enquiry into big questions.  This would be the overarching big question, followed by big questions throughout the scheme of work. This has a primary focus on Christianity but asks pupils to consider other views atheism and the nature of god within other faiths (non-Abrahamic).  KS3 allows pupils to rebuild on their previous skills from Key stage 2 such as formulating their own opinion and connecting their own experiences of RE.

  • Pupils gain experience of extended writing and annotation of religious scripture based upon their prior learning and experiences.  This is continuous all the way through to KS4, pupils have the opportunity to recall, revisit learning through connect/consolidate activities which allow pupils to practice applying skills to new knowledge.

  • Pupils will continue to develop their understanding of a range of moral and societal issues allowing them to build on their previous knowledge. A love of learning is embraced early on in the curriculum with pupils having the opportunity to debate controversial issues such as “Is it right that there is a divide between the rich and the poor”? “Is there life after death”?

  • At KS4 pupils then have an opportunity to further deepen understanding and knowledge through building on prior skills and knowledge.  A key focus is “how important beliefs are in the lives of followers when faced with moral decisions”.

  • A broader curriculum is also explored away from GCSE examination content to support pupils with making links to cross curricular subjects such as History and Psychology.  Studying the reformation is covered through both a historical and religious perspective. Topics such as Crime and Punishment allow pupils to question a psychological view point to broaden pupils experiencing of how key concepts are addressed in different fields.

  • Assessment is rigorous and reliable, with success criteria determined in advance and shared with pupils. Marking is done in line with the feedback policy.   Assessment outcomes are compared to targets to monitor progress. Specific groups such as SEN, DP, MA are closely monitored and intervention, where necessary, is planned in order to reduce gaps.


Subject Enrichment:

  • Virtual religious tours online


  • London Trip for visiting religious places such as St Pauls cathedral

  • Rome – Vatican City

  • Year 7 Faith Trail


Subject Impact:


  • Adaptive curriculum that allows pupils to tackle controversial issues in the current world such as terrorism bombing in Manchester. Supports pupils social, moral spiritual cultural through guidance and support as events unfold.

  • Develop a wide range  of vocabulary that supports their understanding of real life issues such as radicalisation.

  • Develop pupil skills to articulate their own opinions based on evidence presented to them.

  • Give pupils techniques to support their leadership and group working skills, encouraging team work that will allow them to become independent resilient learners.

  • Helps pupils build empathy skills to ensure they have the opportunity to grow  and support the community.

RE KS3 Map 2023.jpg
RE Map KS4 2023.jpg

Knowledge and Skills


Year 7:


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Pupils are given the opportunity to practice the “debate” “discussion” skill in topic. This is a crucial skill for pupils which blends itself to the written skill “evaluation”.

  • Pupils will look at the importance of studying the subject with a link to SMSC  - they will focus on British Values.

  • Faith and belief

  • Explanations for the existence of God and responses to these

  • The Role and person of Jesus

  • The Trinity

  • Sacred places and the importance within faiths.

  • Examples of key figures and pilgrimage.

  • Key beliefs of Islam

  • Key practices in Islam

  • Key beliefs of the 6 world religions

  • World views

Pupils will develop their skills in

  • Promoting reading skills through comprehension exercises such as looking at current articles.

  • Explain how views/teachings on a topic might influence a person’s choices.

  • Describe different views within a religion on an issue/topic.

  • Explain how difference of interpretation within religions leads to different views or beliefs about the same issue.

  • Learn how to give a personal opinion on a topic with reasons to support it.

  • Use key teachings to support extended writing. 

Year 8:


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Peace

  • Conflict

  • Suffering/ Solutions to the problem of evil and suffering

  • Religious responses to suffering

  • Wars and solutions to conflict

  • Just war

  • Jihad

Pupils will develop their skills in

  • Promoting reading skills through comprehension exercises such as looking at current articles.

  • Explain how views/teachings on a topic might influence a person’s choices.

  • Describe different views within a religion on an issue/topic.

  • Explain how difference of interpretation within religions leads to different views or beliefs about the same issue.

  • Learn how to give a personal opinion on a topic with reasons to support it.

  • Use key teachings to support extended writing. 

Year 9


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:


  • Creation arguments and Stewardship

  • Sanctity of life

  • Capital Punishment

  • Transplants       

  • Is there life after death?

  • Euthanasia (law on this issue)

  • Wealth and Poverty incl Sermon on the Mount.


Pupils will develop their skills in

  • Promoting reading skills through comprehension exercises such as looking at current articles.

  • Explain how views/teachings on a topic might influence a person’s choices.

  • Describe different views within a religion on an issue/topic.

  • Explain how difference of interpretation within religions leads to different views or beliefs about the same issue.

  • Learn how to give a personal opinion on a topic with reasons to support it.

  • Use key teachings to support extended writing. 

  • Apply key SoWA to my explanations and explain how these would impact views of followers (religious and non-religious).

  • Explain clear reasons for differing views within faiths and on moral issues Give clear reasons for their own views on topics.




Year 10


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • The Trinity

  • Creation

  • The incarnation of Jesus

  • Last Days of Jesus’ Life

  • Sanctity of life

  • Creation

  • Big Bang and Evolution

  • STI

  • Grooming and exploitation

  • Marriage and civil partnerships

  • The Six Beliefs of Islam

  • Five Roots of ‘Usul ad-Din

  • Nature of God


Pupils will develop their skills in

  • Promoting reading skills through comprehension exercises such as looking at current articles.

  • Explain how views/teachings on a topic might influence a person’s choices.

  • Describe different views within a religion on an issue/topic.

  • Explain how difference of interpretation within religions leads to different views or beliefs about the same issue.

  • Learn how to give a personal opinion on a topic with reasons to support it.

  • Use key teachings to support extended writing. 

  • Apply key SoWA to my explanations and explain how these would impact views of followers (religious and non-religious).

  • Explain clear reasons for differing views within faiths and on moral issues.

  • Give clear reasons for their own views on topics.

  • Analyse and question contesting interpretations on key issues/topics/practices within religion and society.

  • Evaluate, with reference to sources, religious responses to social/ethical issues.

  • Analyse and interpret religious texts for meaning and effect.

Year 11


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Hate Crime

  • Sacraments

  • Prayer

  • Role of Church local and worldwide

  • Christian Festivals

  • Five Pillars in depth and significance and challenges of each

  • Islamic celebrations

Pupils will develop their skills in


  • Promoting reading skills through comprehension exercises such as looking at current articles.

  • Explain how views/teachings on a topic might influence a person’s choices.

  • Describe different views within a religion on an issue/topic.

  • Explain how difference of interpretation within religions leads to different views or beliefs about the same issue.

  • Learn how to give a personal opinion on a topic with reasons to support it.

  • Use key teachings to support extended writing. 

  • Apply key SoWA to my explanations and explain how these would impact views of followers (religious and non-religious).

  • Explain clear reasons for differing views within faiths and on moral issues.

  • Give clear reasons for their own views on topics.

  • Analyse and question contesting interpretations on key issues/topics/practices within religion and society.

  • Evaluate, with reference to sources, religious responses to social/ethical issues.

  • Analyse and interpret religious texts for meaning and effect.

Year 10 PD hour from 2023

Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Religions

  • Science

  • Moral decision making

  • Ethics

  • Philosophy

  • Religion and the media

  • Cults

  • New faiths


Year 11 PD hour from 2023

Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • World faiths

  • Radicalisation

  • Peace-making

  • Greed and Hate

  • Poverty and Upbringing

  • Life after Death

Contact Head of Department:

Mrs Khan -

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