Como se matricular na Smithils School
Pais do 6º ano
Certifique-se de colocar a Smithills School como sua primeira escolha em seu Formulário de Preferência de Autoridade Local.
Você será então contatado pela LEA.
Pais com filhos nos anos 7-11
Entre em contato com o LEA 01204 332144 para se candidatar a uma vaga na Smithlls School. Em seguida, você receberá um formulário de transferência para preencher, o qual deverá ser entregue na escola atual de seu filho, que devolverá o formulário à LEA em seu nome.
Os pais serão então contactados por carta.
Todos os alunos em idade de transferência que moram no Metropolitan Borough of Bolton podem se inscrever na Smithills School.
Os pais que estão pensando em enviar seus filhos para a escola são bem-vindos para visitá-los em um horário adequado para eles.
Por favor, telefone 01204 842382 para marcar uma consulta.
The target attendance figure for all pupils is 100%
If your child is absent from school, you must inform school before 9:00 AM
Inform school by calling 01204 842382 or by using ClassCharts
You must continue to inform school every day your child is absent
Please note: Holidays and leave of absence should not be taken in term time. Holidays/leave of absence will not be authorised unless the circumstance is exceptional and may result in a fixed penalty notice. Holiday/leave of absence requests should be made in writing using a request form. These are available from reception.
Why Good Attendance Matters:
Improved Academic Performance: Pupils who attend regularly are more likely to achieve higher grades and have a better understanding of the curriculum.
Stronger Social Connections: Attending school daily helps pupils build lasting friendships and develop essential teamwork skills.
Building Responsibility: Regular attendance fosters discipline and time management, key life skills for success in the future.
Attendance Expectations:
Be on Time: Pupils should arrive at school by 8:40 AM, ready to start their lessons promptly.
Attend Daily: Pupils are expected to attend school every day unless they have valid reason for absence.
Notify Us of Absences: If your child is unable to attend, please inform the school as early as possible by calling the school or using Class Charts. If you are unsure about whether to send your child to school when they are ill, you can find guidance about illness and school attendance from the NHS: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Provide Documentation: For extended or frequent absences, we may require medical notes or other documentation to ensure your child receives the necessary support upon their return.
Support for Families: We understand that challenges can arise, and our dedicated Team is here to help. If you’re experiencing difficulties with your child’s attendance, please reach out to the Attendance team or your child’s Head of Year or Pastoral Leader for guidance and assistance.
By working together, we can ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Let’s make every day count!