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Chef Garnishing


Every kid in every school no matter their background, deserves to learn the basics about food - where it comes from, how to cook it and how it affects their bodies. These life skills are as important as reading and writing, but they've been lost over the past few generations. We need to bring them back and bring up our kids to be streetwise about food.


Jamie Oliver



Subject Intent:


Teaching a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to the diverse cultural heritage of our school community creates well-rounded, socially aware citizens of our global community.


Our curriculum is designed to promote academic excellence through a structured spiral journey which builds upon prior learning to explore the many issues which affect our lives today and will so in the future. Topics reference previous knowledge to link and make connections throughout this journey. An emphasis on leadership allows pupils to reflect upon current issues and consider the actions they may take.


We built the curriculum with the intent that pupils will:


  • experience a broad, deep and knowledge rich curriculum which both satisfies and nourishes curiosity.

  • extend their KS2 knowledge and deepen their culinary awareness of the world around them focusing on a range food, ingredients and cooking styles and techniques

  • be literate and numerate in order to show their in-depth understanding of food preparation. They will be able to communicate, in detail, their knowledge and opinions in order to demonstrate their understanding.

  • have high expectations for their behaviour and achievement through engaging experiences within the subject. Our pupils will demonstrate respect and courtesy when working with each other, tools and equipment.

  • develop their cultural, moral, social, mental and physical development through allowing them to make greater sense of the world they live in, the food around them, and how food allows us all to interact integrate with each other and the surroundings. We intend to provide our pupils with real work problems where solution-based outcomes are needed.

  • be prepared for life beyond the school by building curious, independent and inquisitive individuals who have an appreciation and understanding for the world around them. We intend to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills our society needs to address modern day problems, deepening understanding of contemporary modern-day challenges.

  • In Food Technology we focus on the wellbeing and progress of every child and where all members of our community are of equal worth. All pupils share a common entitlement to a broad and balanced Food technology curriculum which meets their social and learning needs.


Subject Implementation:


  • The curriculum builds from year 7 to 11 focusing on the cumulative development of key knowledge based upon broad concepts. In this respect we deliver clear and coherent step-by-step sequences that build knowledge across the year and between key stages.

  • The broader concepts are revisited; however, knowledge is built on foundations from previous study.  Whilst reinforcement and retention of previously learnt knowledge is addressed relentlessly, building a deeper and more coherent understanding is key to preparation for further study.

  • Routine expectations that pupils show resilience in each and every lesson are supported through independent learning resources, with a central focus on a range of engaging material, relevant and contemporary examples and demonstrations.

  • Throughout both key stages pupils build a knowledge of a range of diverse cuisines that allow us to interact with the food and ingredients around us, taught with a deepening understanding of the culinary process. As they progress, they deepen their understanding of these processes in order to explain how these the diverse world we live in.  Schemes of learning specifically address the diets, healthy eating, eating restrictions of people and groups from a broad range of ages as well as food from other countries

  • Pupils are encouraged to read in class and aloud in class across both key stages. Pupils build a knowledge of the features of different types of text through the design and research process, independent text resources are created with a central focus of making them engaging and relevant to allows pupils to develop their cultural capital and their understanding of the culinary process

  • Rigorous, reliable and accessible assessment tracks understanding and allows bespoke planning to occur as a result. There are regular formal assessments, weekly low stakes quizzing and an end of year exam. On-ongoing assessment occurs through teacher monitoring of classwork, practical work and discussions with pupils. Outcomes of these areas are analysed and discussed within the department and interventions and extra support implemented where appropriate. Assessment outcomes are compared to targets to monitor progress. Specific groups such as SEN, DP, MA are closely monitored and intervention, where necessary, is planned in order to reduce gaps.

  • We use a blended approach to pupils’ education; this allows pupils to develop independence and ownership of their studies and shows that learning doesn’t just take place in the classroom.  Knowledge organisers support teaching and learning along with Microsoft TEAMs being used to set work, allow for learning conversations between staff and pupils and provide a platform for feedback where appropriate.


Subject Enrichment:


In the Food Technology department, we value learning that occurs both within the classroom and beyond it. Our pupils have access to frequent, continuous and progressive experiences in the school classrooms, kitchens and educational visits further afield.  These experiences are used as a tool for teaching, learning and delivering the curriculum. 


Enrichment includes:

  • Visit to professional kitchens studying the work chefs and other cuisines, used to aid assignment-based work when back is school.

  • Extra-curricular seasonal lessons and other cuisines used to develop new skills as well as building on skills used in assignment-based work.

  • Seasonal food competitions, throughout the year, teaching new skills to a broad range of pupils…….

  • Food for events…….


Subject Impact:

  • Ensure that there is a systematic curriculum which builds upon the core Food technology principles for pupils from year 7 to year 11. Pupils revisit key concepts and ideas in different contexts in different areas of FT in order to allow rapid subsequent progression. Knowledge is sequenced in a way that builds breadth and depth.

  • Develop pupils that are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to know where food comes from, how to prepare and cook it and how it can nurture and affects their bodies.

  • Develop pupils with an ability to critically think about Food and nutrition and give them the confidence, skills and understanding of how it affects us all and the community.

  • Provide pupils with a range of vocabulary to identify features, human and physical processes used around them. Such core knowledge provides the building blocks of deeper explanation and understanding, providing entry points to further study, training or employment.

  • Through the study of Food and nutrition our pupils increase the range and accuracy of investigative skills, advancing their ability to select and apply these with increasing independence.

Knowledge and Skills


Year 7:


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • food hygiene and safety, Important topic to ensure pupil safety both in the classroom and bringing in food to school. Underpins everything that we undertake in a food practical

  • Food spoilage, develop a deeper understanding and the effects it can have on your health

  • Healthy eating and batch cooking, introduction to concept, underpins the whole curriculum building life skills and developing understanding of the topic

  • The design process, which are fundamental within a design and make subject

  • Evaluations - Fundamental to the design and make process, allows pupils to look critically at their work and focus on improvements that they could make to their work. Demonstrates a understanding of the design and make process, use of tools equipment and final outcome against set criteria


Pupils will develop their skills of:

  • design and analytics, fundamentals when creating ideas from start to conclusion

  • Independent research, showing how designers use this to develop their own ideas

  • practical work, developing arrange of basic skills, focusing on building correct procedure and confidence and ability with equipment thinking about H&S as we work through the design and make projects. Key skills needed throughout the design & technology subjects, creating the foundations from which we can build

  • Transferable skills: 5 C’s – communication, co-operation, concentration, confidence and critical appreciation.


Year 8


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Specific food technology vocabulary, required for GCSE

  • The design process, which are fundamental within a design and make subject and expand on key elements of the design phase

  • Evaluations – Building from Y7 allows pupils to develop their work by looking critically at their work and focus on improvements that they could make to their work at each stage of the design process. Demonstrates a understanding of the design and make process, use of tools equipment and final outcome against set criteria

  • The fundamental aspects of how to safely execute Food equipment and Machinery

  • Safe working practice within food kitchens


Pupils will develop their knowledge and skills of:

  • The design process, building on Y7 fundamental skills with other food and nutrient areas/projects

  • Design and analytics, building on fundamentals from Y7

  • Independent research, showing how nutritional values are used to develop menus

  • Equipment/ facilities, Inspire and motivate pupils, pupils building on skills needed throughout KS3/4.

  • Practical work. developing arrange of basic skills, focusing on building correct procedure and confidence and ability with equipment

  • Evaluations - allows pupils to look critically at their work and focus on improvements that they could make to their work.


Year 9


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Key hospitality and catering concepts required for coursework. Enhances use of keywords and subject specific vocabulary.

  • different hospitality and catering establishments. Required for exam in year 11 Increases and develops Understanding of H&S, Nutritional guidance, correct processes and procedures in a workplace environment

  • How to research independently


Pupils will develop their skills of:

  • H&C procedures, focusing on building correct procedure and confidence and ability with equipment

  • Food Programs/equipment/ facilities, Inspire and motivate pupils, throughout KS4

  • Showcasing and presentation, creating a portfolio, electronic/ paper,

  • Cooking/Practice skills building on Y7 and Y8 required, coursework at end of year 10


Year 10


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Diets and peoples dietary needs, Learning how to compare different which is essential to gain higher marks in controlled assessment

  • Planning menus, learning what factors must be considered when Required knowledge for controlled assessment, Using knowledge and vocabulary gained from KS3 and Y9

  • production plans, using them to develop skills required for practical exam.

  • Nutrition, justify the dishes that pupils will cook for their controlled assessment

  • production plans, crucial to the practical element of the controlled assessment. This will be developed further in readiness for practical assessment


Pupils will develop their skills of:

  • Development of cooking/Practical skills from Y9. Demonstrating, nurturing developing a range of skills, focusing on building correct procedure and confidence and ability with equipment, and software. analysing work as it develops through the assignment brief/design process.

  • Evaluations – Building from KS3 and Y9 allows pupils to develop their ideas by looking critically at their work and focus on improvements that they could make


Year 11


Pupils will develop their knowledge of:

  • Business planning, planned visit to a location in the locality vicinity, decide what type of establishment it would be best suited to be transformed into.

  • Independent Research, different forms of establishments, greater understanding of the industry and its requirements.

  • Business planning visit to a hotel, restaurant, school kitchen to compare and contrast the differences.

  • Research how the hospitality and catering industry works, the staffing requirements and the needs of the customer. This will all be related to the hypothetical catering establishment that they are creating.


Pupils will refine their skills in:

  • Cooking/Practical skills from Y10. Demonstrating, a range of skills, focusing on building correct procedure and confidence and ability with equipment, and software. analysing work as it develops through the assignment brief/design process.

  • Evaluations – Building from KS3 and Y9 allows pupils to develop their ideas by looking critically at their work and focus on improvements that they could make


Contact Head of Department:

Mrs Louis -

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